The policy applies in situations where Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn processes personal data. All relevant measures are taken to protect personal privacy and to act in accordance with applicable data protection laws. This Privacy Policy aims at declaring and understanding what kind of information we collect and how we handle such information.


Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the principles set out below because we care about your personal integrity. The policy covers all personal information received from or on behalf of its guests, employees, suppliers and other entities with business relations to Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn.

Personal data

The term “personal data” refers to information that may be attributed to an identified or identifiable person, e.g. name, address, date of birth, social security number, account number and payment card number.

The personal data we collect

We are transparent about how we collect and process personal data. Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn collects only personal information that is necessary, relevant and not superfluous for the purpose of which they are intended. Normally your personal information is collected when you:

  • Make a booking or quotation request
  • Apply for vacant posts or otherwise state your interest in employment or cooperation with us
  • By visit or other voluntary contact.

On our website we use cookies to collect and sometime store information. This is the information we collect:

  • Data about your activities on the website. For this purpose we use Google Analytics that stores your user data so that we can analyze how our customers use our website.
  • When you use a contact form we store the information you have provided so that we can fullfil your request.
  • Some functions, for example the function to choose website language, relies on cookies to function properly.

Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn apply the policy of not requesting sensitive information, such as sensitive personal data, unless there are legal grounds for this in the event of recruitment or employment. We do not propose you to provide sensitive personal information. However, if you provide such information, Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn considers that you have given your consent to the registration of the data as described in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with the purpose stated, specifically in connection with the disclosure. This means that if you provide information essential for us to provide a joyful experience. For example: if you need certain deviant meals because of allergy or lifestyle, we assume that you intend the information to be registered with us.

Purpose of processing personal data

In connection with your personal visit, our website, by telephone or by e-mail, booking newsletters or similar, you are registered as a guest at Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn. If you are looking for vacant posts, submit interest requests for employment with us, or wish to be contacted by us, we will use your personal information only for the purpose for which you have provided them. We do not use or share personal data in a way that is incompatible with the original purpose for which they were collected unless a following consent has been obtained. It is our objective to collect only personal information with your knowledge and consent. You may at any time unsubscribe to emails or other communications generated based on your registration with us.

Your rights

All guests and visitors are entitled to, at their request, be informed once a year of the processing of the personal data they have provided to Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn. Upon request, Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn will remove any identifiable information or personal data from their systems. If and when personal data is processed, Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn undertakes that personal data are not kept for longer than necessary for the purpose of the treatment. If Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn becomes aware that personal information previously obtained is no longer accurate, it will promptly be rectified or removed upon request. Please note that there may be limitations by law and other provisions that affect your rights above. Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn will take reasonable steps to verify that personal information is relevant, correct, complete and current for the purposes for which it will be used.


Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn has taken appropriate technical and organizational security measures to prevent and limit the risk of unauthorized, access, disclosure, abuse, change or destruction of personal data. Only authorized personnel have access to identifiable personal data. Employees and partners are required to keep such sensitive data confidential.

How long are the data left?

Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn will take reasonable steps to preserve personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected. We keep your personal information only for as long as we need to fulfill our commitment.

Employee responsibility to apply the policy

Spirit of Hven Backafallsbyn’s employees are required to respect and comply with this policy.